National Apps Bangladesh Приложения

Health Service 1.3
National Apps Bangladesh
Use this app and get information about causes and how to preventthose diseases.
E-Directory 1.1
National Apps Bangladesh
Using this application user will be able tocontact with the designated employees of all ministries and theirdirectorates, departments and commissions. It provides contactdetails of all govt. office heads and related personnel of alldivisions and districts along with the important contact details ofsome social service rendering institutions.
Dhaka Stock Exchange 1.1.2
National Apps Bangladesh
Dhaka Stock Exchange or DSE is the largest andmain stock market of Bangladesh. It was formed in 1954. Businessesregistration, registered securities, regulated trade, tradenegotiations, exchange controls, in addition to reviewing themarkets in the share market and also other important decisions aretaken by Dhaka Stock Exchange. Through this application, the priceof shares of listed companies, the value of the rate of change, thehighest price, lowest price, you can get to know.
Public Library 1.1
National Apps Bangladesh
‘For education and a library for a literatenation’, The Ministry of Cultural Affairs has been working towardsto improvise this principle. Recognized by all, by servinginformation and knowledge, the public library contributes to thesocio-economic development, heritage and cultural manifestation andit plays an important role in the country.The beginning of the App will contain a brief introduction on theSufia Kamal national library. This App will contain a database onthe names of the public libraries of all provinces and districts ofthe country, their hours of operation, quantities of books andnewspapers and magazines, temporary curriculum list, variousexpansionary programs, the contributory services of libraries,capacity of libraries , number of readers, new addition of books,various competition list and contact information. The process andapplication form will also be attached to rent a library venue aswell as other library related application forms.
Hospital Finder 1.6
National Apps Bangladesh
This app will show nearest hospitals aroundyou as well as hospitals information with contact details. Youcould see their list of services available and doctors list withtheir detailed resume.Along with that you will get contact details (such as address,phone number etc) of hospital in Bangladesh to make immediatecontact with hospital for booking seat for patient or other help inyour nearest area or any other area in Bangladesh.
Care Satisfaction 1.8
National Apps Bangladesh
This application is for sending opinions aboutquality of services provided by the nearest hospital or clinic ofthe patients in different area in Bangaldesh. Along with that usercould search specialized hospital and they can get information ofrating on services available based on previous patient feedbacks.Get the following facilities:- Search nearest hospital by name or respect to your presentposition- Hospital rating based on services provided- Service available in hospitalContribute to enhance the quality of health care sector inBangaldesh.
Right To Information 1.0.4
National Apps Bangladesh
This App will provide all sorts of informationon Right to Information Act and other exercising laws.Right to Information: The main goal of the InformationCommission is to obtaining information for establishing empowermentof the public. The responsibilities of this institution is toreduce corruption and good governance for accountability andtransparency for every Government or statutory organization, publicor foreign invested organization and private firms and to manageand administer Government activitiesTo keep this aim ahead, Right to Information Act 2009 was createdand approved. Through this APP, detailed information on Right toInformation Act will be obtainable. The process of obtaining rightsto information and its application form will be available fordownload. The address, contact information and GIS location of theinstitution will be available on this App.
Archaeology of Bangladesh 1.0.6
National Apps Bangladesh
This APP is for Department of Archeology of Bangladesh. Thedirectory of all archeological sites and Museums will be listedDistrict wise with their main features, locations, and visitinghours. Archeology of Bangladesh: Department of Archeology under theMinistry of Cultural Affairs, is working towards the conservation,publication, and expansion of domestic heritage and culture. Atpresent, there are about 448 archeological precedents and 16museums scattered in the whole country which will be maintained andexpanded by this department. This APP will present details aboutheritage and ethnic precedents of the country with visiting hours,the enlightenment of the precedents and corresponding information.
Rivers of Bangladesh 1.2
National Apps Bangladesh
Rivers App will present all sorts ofinformation on the rivers of Bangladesh. For example, the name ofmain rivers of Bangladesh, the name of the districts’ on which themain rivers are flowing through and their measurements, thewherewithal of the rivers, her financial contribution in thecountry and such.Information on Rivers: Ministry of water resources of Government ofPeople’s Republic of Bangladesh is responsible for the developmentand management of water resources of the country. It constructsvarious development projects such as flood control, drainage andirrigation. The ministry of water resources is in charge of rulesand regulation implementation, development strategies, guidelineand instructions related to water resources to expect theusefulness and safety to all public of the country. In addition tothat, the ministry has research and coordinating institutions toestablish awareness by proving information among public to use thisresources ideally. This App provides a database of the rivers whichare flowing through the heart of Bangladesh, its location and themajor information of these rivers. It will include the rivers’wherewithal, direction of the flow, location, water flowing,falling face and other detailed information. You will see theposition of the rivers on the map of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh National Museum 1.2
National Apps Bangladesh
Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Government ofPeople’s Republic of Bangladesh believes the National Museum ofBangladesh is an important cultural establishment for the country.The main duties and responsibilities of the ministry is to conserve, spread and create awareness of contemporary arts, ethnicprecedents, historical debris, and other cultural affairs that’sbeing lost or hidden in the midst of current society.The beginning of this App contains a brief introduction of thenational museum. This APP will provide information on visitinghours of different branches, the price of tickets, GIS location ofmuseums and 42 independent virtual galleries of the NationalMuseum. The process and application forms to rent an auditorium ofmuseums is attached in the APP. Moreover pictures of specialprecedents will also be available on the app.
Momota 1.3
National Apps Bangladesh
This application provides information abouthow can we take care of pregnant mother and new born baby forreducing the death rate in Bangladesh.User will get more about problems of teen age girls, details aboutbirth control procedure. After getting marry do registration withname and age. You will get all kind of information regardingpregnancy control in audio and video format. Moreover thisapplication also incorporated with pregnancy calculator. Pregnancycalculator estimates due date by last menstrual period. You can addvery cute Widget to track your weeks and days progress. Take apicture of yourself each week.- Days, weeks and months to go and which have passed- Estimated day of the week- Estimated season- Current trimester- Get daily notificationAlong with that new mother will get valuable information aboutchild care in audio and video format.
Postal Department 1.0.1
National Apps Bangladesh
Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications &Information Technology is one of the important ministry of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Under this ministry Post &Telecommunication division provides postal and telecommunicationservice to the general public. This mobile application provides theinformation of different postal service, postal forms, post codesof the country etc.
Cotton Cultivation 1.0.2
National Apps Bangladesh
Bangladesh has a glorious tradition in cottonand textile production. Cotton Development Board (CDB) wasestablished under the Ministry of Agriculture in 1972 to promotecotton production in the country. CDB started functioning in1974-75 and started growing American Upland Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum) on experimental basis. There are 2 (two) types of cottonare producing in Bangladesh named Upland Cutton and Hill Cotton.This Application provides the information about the cultivationprocess, use of fertilizers & insecticides, supportive crops,marketing and countrywide office addresses with contacts.
National Apps Bangladesh
The Department of Printing and Publications(DPP) is a Government organization under the Ministry of PublicAdministration which controls the all print, publication andstationery related issue of the Government. This applicationprovides the information of activities & Services of DPP andits countrywide office addresses with contacts.
Vasoman Poddotite Shobji Chas 1.5
National Apps Bangladesh
This app provides information on how to cultivate vegetable onfloating bed.
Immunization alert 1.4
National Apps Bangladesh
What does every new parent need? Support.Advice. Reminders. Reasons to laugh. Keep it all by your side 24/7,along with a personalized daily calendar for immunization. The freeMy Baby Care app is here to help you simplify daily life and be thebest parent possible through each stages of your little one’sdevelopment. And it’s brought to you by Immunization alert, thetrusted parenting resource supporting for the new mother inBangladesh.My Baby Today includes all this and more:- Do registration with date of birth, get a personalizedimmunization calendar for your baby’s development- A helpful checklist and reminders for get immunization- Information on your baby’s health and safety- Suggested activities for your baby- Advice on care and feedingYou can always trust the experts at Immunization alert.It’s free! Get the app now
BSCIC 1.0.5
National Apps Bangladesh
Bangladesh Small and Cottage IndustriesCorporation (BSCIC) is the prime mover organization in Bangladeshto support industrialization process through creation of anentrepreneurial society. BSCIC was established by an Act of theParliament in 1957. Vision of this corporation is to accelerate theindustrial growth through promotion and extension of small andcottage industries. Its development activities are motioned,catalyzed and supported by promotion and extension services to thesmall and cottage industries (SCI). This application provides theinformation of activities of BSCIC and its countrywide officeaddresses with contacts.
Srijonshil Bangladesh 1.1
National Apps Bangladesh
Wants to get notice of Bangladesh ShilpakalaAcademy, daily routine of events arranged in different areas(particularly in Dhaka city) in Bangladesh, news about ticketing ;where and how to get it. This app will give you all answers.You could also know about foundation history and present activitiesof Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. With the dream of practice,expansion and preservation of rich culture of Bangladesh, Father ofthe Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Established BangladeshShilpakala Academy (National Academy of Fine and Reforming Art) on4th July 1974. In present, Shilpakala Academy spread out itsactivities all over the country and brought the revolution ofculture. Expansion of cultural practice, Establishment of 486Upazila shilpakala Academy , preservation of folk culture, ensuringculture for all, introducing Bangladeshi culture to theinternational world and finally organizing the liberation war basedcultural events Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy is contributing alot. Now Bangladesh shilpakala Academy is the holy land of culture,center point of all cultural personalities, artists and people.Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy now acts as a mirror of Bangladesh.That’s why this institution is our pride and light house of spirit.Use this app and know more details on it.
Chittagong Hill Tracts 1.1
National Apps Bangladesh
The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) is a distinctregion in terms of its ethnic, cultural and environmental diversityto the rest of Bangladesh.Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) the only extensive hilly area inBangladesh lies in southeastern part of the country (210 25' N to230 45' N latitude and 910 54' E to 920 50' E longitude) borderingMyanmar on the southeast, the Indian state of Tripura on the north,Mizoram on the east and Chittagong district on the west. The areaof the Chittagong Hill Tracts is about 13,184 sq km, which isapproximately one-tenth of the total area of Bangladesh.The Chittagong Hill Tracts, combining three hilly districts ofBangladesh Rrangamati, khagrachhari and Bandarban districts. Thearea of the Chittagong Hill Tracts is about 13,295 sq km, which isapproximately one-tenth of the total area of Bangladesh.This application provides you the information regardingphysiography, local government, history and the beautiful picturegallery of different festivals.
Banglar Karushilpo 1.3
National Apps Bangladesh
This app provides information about handicrafts and its relevantissues
Grontho Kendro 1.0
National Apps Bangladesh
You will get information about national library center and itsrelevant news
Roof Gardening 1.2
National Apps Bangladesh
This application shows you the galleries of beautiful gardendesign....
National Apps Bangladesh
Under the ministry of home affairs BangladeshCoast Guard is a unique force that carries out an array of civiland military responsibilities touching almost every facet of theBangladesh maritime environment. This application provides itshistory, mission & vision, coast guard area, descriptionvessels & war vessels and office address with contacts.
Orthokori Fasal Utpadon 1.2
National Apps Bangladesh
By using this app you will know details abouthow to cultivate the valuable crops such as jute, cotton and rice ?How to select or process the land? How preserve seed of thosecrops? Criterions to select good quality of seed category wise. Howto give fertilizer to the land depending on size and presentcondition of land?Use this app and get details about mentioned issues…
National Apps Bangladesh
Skill & Development 1.4
National Apps Bangladesh
User will get all relevant information abouthow to develop their skill in different field in Bangladesh. Alongwith that you will get information about how to get job in abroad?What are the steps need to be followed by the applicant to goabroad?In this globalize world, you need to be prepared to be worldclass employee. User will get information where they can geteffective and applicable training? How they can apply to getadmission at training institute? Moreover, if any one wants tostart new business then they could get information about where theycan get loan with low rate of interest? How can they get loaneasily? What are the criterions to get loan? Many more….
Textile Mills Information 2.0.1
National Apps Bangladesh
Textile Mills Information Bangladesh
MPO Application 1.0
National Apps Bangladesh
This app allow user to submit application forgetting MPO facilities for the non-government educational institutesuch as: school, college, madrasha and so on.There are around 35 thousands non-government educationalinstitute have been providing education properly under MPOfacilities. Numbers of educational institute have been increasingday by day dramatically. New institute can apply for MPO facilitiescompletely through this app by providing the following information:name, email, institute details, contact address with phone numberand so on. One profile will be created for that institute. Aftersuccessful logged in with proper authentication system use will getall information and update about their application.
NAEM 1.1.8
National Apps Bangladesh
Organized by National Academy for EducationalManagement, information on all workshops and trainings forteachers, hours and location will be accessible with thisAPP.Naem: National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) under theMinistry of Education of Government of People’s Republic ofBangladesh, hold responsibilities and duties towards expansion ofeducation and its management administration. Besides that, thisinstitution also works for Bangladesh Civil Service and educationrelated employees for educational management, planning, researchand administration.In this constructed APP, in the beginning, there will be generalinformation on this and the given responsibilities and the dutiesgiven by the Ministry of Education to the National Academy forEducational Management. This APP constitutes of the many coursesand trainings with detailed explanations, organized by the NationalAcademy for Educational Management. Contact information and phonenumber will be at the end of this app.
MOCA Search 1.2
National Apps Bangladesh
You will get information about the activitiesof ministry of cultural affairs and its related organization.Geography and history have marked Bangladesh as a distinct regionand the Bangla-speaking people as a distinct community. Itscultural life is also distinct and very rich. The century oldcultural traditions of Bangladesh are reflected in innumerabletangible and intangible heritages - in archaeological sites, insculptures, in stones and terracotta, in architectures, museums,archives, libraries, classical music, songs and dance, paintings,dramas, folk arts, festivals, games as well as ethnic culturalactivities. Our cultural heritage has given us an eminent placeamong the community of nations. There many organizations have beenworking with MOCA to become rich of our culture. You will getinformation about those organization in details…Install this apps and get details on it…
NSDC Secretariet 1.0
National Apps Bangladesh
Get latest news on skill development training by NSDC.
Dhaka City Corporation (South) 1.1
National Apps Bangladesh
Dhaka South City Corporation provides a listof all important government establishments and organizations suchas gymnasiums, libraries, music schools, community centers,graveyards and many more. Using this application one can get theaddress, the GIS location on the map and the contact number of theconcerned authority.
BD Sports 1.3
National Apps Bangladesh
User will get to know about different type ofgame such as soccer, cricket, tennis, badminton, swimming and soon. They also know about the event all over Bangladesh regardingthe mentioned games. Moreover, use will get information about fromwhere he/she can get training, details about training centers,magazine on sports, list sport organizations in their own area,rule and regulation of different type of games, talent huntingprogram on sport, and play gourds.There are many sporting club and training center have beenestablished by the initiatives of government and private sectors.This application provide you all about those institute, how to getadmission in those institutes?, what are the requirement to beconsidered? and many more…
Shilpi Vata 1.3
National Apps Bangladesh
Apps allow you to get latest news aboutartiste allowance from the government of Bangladesh. User couldalso submit application for allowance through this application fromanytime and anywhere in Bangladesh.Ministry of cultural affairs Bangladesh provides a lot offacilities for any performer (artiste, singer, actor, dancer,musician, comedian and s on). User will get latest new regardingany allowance or other help to the performer. Rules or regulationsfor the eligible candidate have been incorporated and eligibleperson could apply for that allowance by filling the require fieldsof the application form. Date and time will be informedautomatically through notification message.
Sundarban 1.2
National Apps Bangladesh
The Sundarbans mangrove forest, one of the largest such forests inthe world (140,000 ha), lies on the delta of the Ganges,Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal. SundarbansUNESCO’s World Heritage site inscribed in 1997. The site isintersected by a complex network of tidal waterways, mudflats andsmall islands of salt-tolerant mangrove forests, and presents anexcellent example of ongoing ecological processes. The area isknown for its wide range of fauna, including 260 bird species, theBengal tiger and other threatened species such as the estuarinecrocodile and the python. This mobile application provides thehistory of Sundarban, animals diversity, heritage, plant diversityand geographical structure. Besides this you can get informationregarding tourist, tour operator and the citizen charter of thedepartment of forest in Bangladesh
PDS Recovery 1.0
National Apps Bangladesh
Employees who have been working underMinistryof Health; would you like to get password to get yourpersonal datasheet? or you forgot you previous password. Don’sworry solution isin here... Install this app and send requestthrough this app toget new password.You are holding service code number as an employee of ministryofhealth, use/insert your service code number and send request totheserver for getting password. After verifying your servicecodenumber successfully you will be given password.
Jubo Unnoyon 1.1
National Apps Bangladesh
Since 1981 Department of Youth Development is working to facilitatethe unemployed youth for gainful employment/ self-employmentproviding vocational/ skill development training and micro-creditsupport. It is a continuous process is doing by the Department ofYouth Development to involve the youth in the mainstream ofnational development process. Department of Youth Development appprovides you all the offices address with contact under the samedepartment around the country. This app also provides you theinformation regarding youth training, youth loan and youth awards.
Small Ethnich Groups 1.3
National Apps Bangladesh
This apps will let you know about the Type of small ethnic group inBangladesh
Karkhana Seba 1.0
National Apps Bangladesh
Wants to build new garment industry andworriedto submit your necessary document to the concern people.Then thisapplication will assist you to do so. You are allow tosubmit yourapplication with necessary document require toestablish new garmentindustry to the respective authority.User will also get information on what kinds of requirementneedto be fulfilled in advance. What are the procedure to applyforestablish new industry? Notification system is available togetnotify to the people about any update on application.Mary more information regarding this issues……get it free…
Raw Jute Price Calculator 1.0
National Apps Bangladesh
Calculate easily the raw jute price with respect to grade of yourjute.
EGPP 1.0
National Apps Bangladesh
submit your application to any food distributing project by thisapplication
Far Calculator 1.0
National Apps Bangladesh
This app will provide facility to calculatethefloor area ratio (FAR) of a particular area of land very easilyandaccurately.To construct new building the city area, user need to getpermissionfrom relevant department with necessary documents. FARis one of themost important documents. FAR will be calculatedautomaticallyrespect to the inputs:- Area of the land- Actual land- Area of road surrounding the land- Number of floors- So on…
National Apps Bangladesh
User will get information about how to go abroad for doing jobs indesired field
Shorno Kishoree 1.1.1
National Apps Bangladesh
Apps on Shorno Kishori
Poribesh Odhidoptor 1.2
National Apps Bangladesh
DOE’s vision is to ensure sustainableenvironmental governance for achieving high quality of life for thebenefit of present and future generation. DOE’s mission is to helpsecure a clean and healthy environment for the benefit of presentand future generations. This mobile application provides the thelaws regarding the clean and healthy environment. Besides this youcan get information regarding national environment medal, differentform and DOE’s office addresses with contacts.
National Apps Bangladesh
Silpokola Academy 1.1
National Apps Bangladesh
Shilpakala Academy spread out itsactivitiesall over the country. It has brought the revolution ofculture.Expansion of cultural practice, Establishment of 486Upazilashilpakala Academy, preservation of folk culture, ensuringculturefor all, introducing Bangladeshi culture to theinternational worldand finally organizing the liberation war basedcultural eventsBangladesh Shilpakala Academy is contributing a lot.Now Bangladeshshilpakala Academy is the holy land of culture,center point of allcultural personalities, artists and people.Bangladesh ShilpakalaAcademy now acts as a mirror of Bangladesh.That’s why thisinstitution is our pride and light house of spirit.This mobileapplication provides the information of differentacademicdepartments, publications, auditorium & hall with rentrate andits contact detail.
Madok Drobbo o Kishor Oporadh 1.5
National Apps Bangladesh
Drug abuse and addiction are a major burdentosociety. Many people around us do not understand whyindividualsbecome addicted to drugs or how drugs change the brainto fostercompulsive drug abuse. However, there many family andsocialproblems regarding drug abuse and young or teen ageillegalactivities.This app shows negative impact of drug abuse very stronglywithimage and video files. From this app, user will getinformationabout how one addicted can recover him or herself. Thisapplicationis incorporated with many text, video and audio file togeteffective instruction to become free from this illegalactivities.Moreover, you will get details about differentorganization’saddress with contact number from where one addictedperson can gethelps immidiately.
Family Planning 1.4
National Apps Bangladesh
Teen ager will get information about health related issues
Insect Control Of Crop 1.0
National Apps Bangladesh
This is a very useful and interactive application for agriculturesector particularly for farmers. Crops diseases and itscorresponding prevention and cure procedure is one click away fromthe users (farmers). First, after opening this apps splash screenwill be shown before the user. Then list as grid view will beappeared for the following crops: paddy, wheat, potato, jute,tomato and mango. After selecting a specific crop, a list ofdisease incorporated with relevant images and information forprevention and cure will be shown in textually as well as audio andvideo format. When user will select a specific disease aftercomparing leaf with existing database leaf visually then they couldread or listen or view the given files. Finally, they could takenecessary steps for preventing or cure for the affected disease oftheir crops.